Thank you Dave Carter for asking me to be a part of such an amazing night :)
My Prince :)
We came and surprised him at Starbucks.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. [Romans 15:3]
What an awesome thing you have done! Those kids look soooo happy:)You are truly amazing. God Bless!
KearyDee~I thank you for inviting me to this enchanting celebration. Though some moments brought me teary memories of Emily, others were filled with the joy of watching you, my own little princess, pour her heart out for children and families who celebrate every breath of life. There is a deep, unspeakable connection between all who have been touched by a sufferring was healing for me to speak with other moms who want only the best for their loved ones. Continue to use your gifts to heal those in need with your smile, heart, and spirit. I love you! xxxmom
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