Friday, December 12, 2008


Hey Everyone!
Sorry for the lack of blogging. I have spent every night at Starbucks for at least the last week studying for tests and writing papers. My brain HURTS! I had my first two finals today and they went really well. So I am sad to say that it may be a few more days before I can get some pictures up. I may just have to take a break from studying and work on some photos. I miss it! But there will be LOTS to see when I get it all up. I am really excited to finish them. I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas. I love the Christmas season...other than the fact that I'm wearing a skirt's winter people...come on. I want to be able to bundle up with scarves, big furry jackets, and hats. I hate San Diego weather in the winter. I want SNOW!!! We really only have 2 seasons...Summer and Spring. Anyways, be sure to check back. There will be a lot to check out :)

1 comment:

Nancy Mitchell Photography said...

Good Luck on your Finals!!! I so remember the feeling, eventhough it has been years ago! I don't ever want to go back to school!!! ENJOY your weekend. I wish it was warm like CA, instead yes it is freezing cold here in OH...I can't wait for summer to get here!