Wednesday, January 14, 2009

...2009 Goals...

So I decided that rather than choose one resolution for the year I'm going to make a whole list of goals. This is not just a TO DO list but also a list of things I want TO BE or TO GO. I always seem to have these great ideas of stuff I'd like to do in life but I never get around to it because I'm just "too busy" or I "forget about it". Well I typed it all out. So now at the end of the year I can look back and see what I've actually done the last year and see how far I've come. And I know I'll be adding to my list throughout the year. I'm also going to post this on my website :)

So here it is...

2009 Goals my bible daily
...become the women God wants me to be
...spend more time with family and print new business cards
...create a custom blog
...shoot an out-of state wedding 10 weddings an out-of-town wedding 25 engagement/senior/family sessions the new 5D Mark II a desktop computer (i can only do so much with a laptop)
...become more creative and develop a distinct style
...learn how to say no
...push myself to get the good shots
...stop being so fearful
...become more confident
...stop procrastinating
...take bubble baths more often
...vacation somewhere new
,,,go on a road trip with my girlfriends
...fall in love
...go on a missions trip
...become more involved in church
...start playing the piano again
...ride my horse on a regular basis
...exercise regularly
...learn how to manage my time
...keep better track of finances off my credit card bills
...participate in a bridal show
...learn more about studio lighting
...attend a photography workshop a logo to San Jose folks me and my mom to Seattle to see my grandparents & cousins this summer my grandparents to San Diego with other vendors
...invest my money wisely
...learn more about photoshop
...come up with an effective and fast post-production process
...say goodbye to stress and worries
...learn to love watching football
...learn how to be patient and wait upon the Lord
...Seek Him first in all that I do an encouragement to Justin as he goes through the Sheriff academy
...see Justin at least twice a month (8 hours is too far away)
...make a difference in someone's life the Farming Game at least once and Justin must be playing
...Master flare
...document the life of a child battling cancer
...start journaling
...get my photography project going with the families from Children’s Hospital at CR4TS Day Camp
...surprise an out of town friend by showing up one day unannounced
...print albums
...organize my room
...cover my walls in pictures
...shoot some maternity sessions
...participate in another Make-A-Wish event

In the Next 5 Years...
...shoot 75 weddings
...graduate college off school loans as a Child Life Specialist at Children’s Hospital
...become a full-time photographer
...get married (by my grandpa)
...go to Tahiti
...think about having kids
...create a one-on-one photo workshop for other photographers
...have my work published in a magazine
...set up a studio and office in my house
...see New York City
...visit Ireland money to buy a house at Give Kids the World for Make-A-Wish in Disney World

"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
[Matthew 6:33]

1 comment:

Nancy Mitchell Photography said...

Go for it Keary and Follow your heart and your dreams will come true!