Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Weekend Well Spent


Justin flew down to hang out with my family this weekend. I've been flying up to San Jose so much to see him since I have more of a flexible schedule, but it was really nice to have him here in San Diego with my family and I. We all decided to go out to the desert and go shooting and have lunch out there. And we stopped at the Wisteria Candy Cottage in Jacumba. If you've never been there you have to check it out! It was so much fun and the weather was perfect! My dad was even able to go! We haven't gone out to the desert as a family for about 8 years now since his back injury. It was so good to see him out there having a good time. He's doing so much better these days. Him and I spent all day Friday cleaning the house together and we had tons of fun making jokes and laughing like the good ol' days before he got hurt. Now that he's off all his meds, he's like a whole new person. He was up and going all day which I haven't seen in forever. Normally he's up for maybe an hour and then has to lay down and rest.

I just took Justin back to the airport tonight :( Goodbyes are never fun. But...I'm flying to Seattle on Thursday to see my grandparents, my cousins Cory and Alicia, and my aunt and uncle. I haven't been to Seattle for like 5 years now so I SUPER anxious to go. Don't worry, I'll post plenty of pictures :) Then from there it's back to San Jose to see Justin, and I have two sessions booked that weekend that I am way excited for. Lots of pictures coming my friends.

Oh, I got some new lenses in the mail on Friday and I'm loving them :) Wide angle is my FAVE!





1 comment:

Julie Mitchell said...

Hey Keary, I'm up late editing pics from my last shoot and decided to hit your blog for "Justin/weekend" updates. Sounds like you guys had a fabulous weekend. I LOVE the pics. What lens did you use on the shot of you and Justin? It's a great pic. I especially love the pic of your mom, dad and brother eating sandwiches by the car. Good times! Talk to you on Tuesday! Hugs, Julie