Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Weekend in Palm Desert

Let me just say...Best Valentine's Day/Weekend EVER!

Justin and I went to his Aunt and Uncle's (HUMONGOUS) house in Palm Desert for the weekend. It was so relaxing and I definitely needed it :) And his family is AWESOME! Friday night we all went out and saw "The International" and then went out for dinner at the club at PGA West (it's a super famous golf course for those of you who didn't know...and Justin LOVES to golf!) Saturday the boys woke up and went golfing at 7am! Too early for me. We spent the day hanging out at the house, laying by the pool, going for scooter rides (coolest invention ever by the way), and Justin and I HAD to go to Starbucks and get coffee because that's what we always do :) Just imagine people faces when a young (HOTT) couple pull up to Starbucks in a Porche! That's right. It was the coolest car!... Next to the Bentley we went in to the movies Friday night. And then of course the boys wanted to watch the Slam Dunk contest that night. On our way home we drove through the snow and I told Justin to pull over so we could have a snowball fight...which I WON!...okay, so maybe I broke the rules he made about no "point blank" shots ;) We drove straight from the desert to Koby & Halley's house and Justin made all 10 of us his famous waffles. It was nice to hang out with everyone, since they've all missed him since he moved from San Diego. Justin and I went and saw "He's Just Not That In To You" today (really cute by the way) before he headed home. It's always hard to say goodbye to him since he lives 7 hours away. He starts the Sheriff Academy next week and I couldn't be more happy for him :)

By the way...these were all taken off my little point and shoot nothing fancy here. I needed a break from carrying around the big camera. HAHA.


Scooter Rides :)





Porche Ride!




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so it was fantastic, eh?
looks like it
love the chance to see what goes on