Tuesday, November 11, 2008



Sometimes life becomes so overwhelming I don't know what to do. I actually feel like this a lot. I ask myself how I get through each day and the answer is simple...GOD! I never doubt his power and ability to bring me peace in the most stressful and unbearable situations. HE is the almighty comforter and gives me strength to make it through each day (with 4 only hours of sleep each night). "He gives STRENGTH to the weary and INCREASES the POWER of the weak. Even youth grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; But those who HOPE in the LORD will RENEW their STRENGTH. They will soar on wings like eagles; the will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." [Isaiah 40:29-31] One thing I am guilty of is forgetting to lean on Him because He is where I will find rest. I feel that I have to do everything on my own and I have such a hard time of letting go of things and giving them over to the Lord. I end up carrying all these burdens on my shoulders up to my breaking point and that is when I will turn over to God. I seem to wait till the last possible minute to do this. I need to learn to turn to God several times a day, not just at my breaking point, so that I can feel renewed and have a fresh start every day. Here's a simple thought...SOLITUDE.

In chapel on Monday several people spoke on the topic of Silence and Solitude. I know God was speaking right to me. I get caught up with all the distractions in this world: work, school, friends, homework, errands, etc. I find it so hard to be silent or be in a silent place. If I'm in my room I have to have music playing or driving 45 minutes to work I have to have the radio on. How can God speak to us when we have all this noise in our lives? Have you ever thought about turning the radio off in your car and just listening to God speak to you? Have you ever thought about going somewhere quiet and just meditating on His word? "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." [Psalm 46:10] I took a Theology class over the summer and my professor really encouraged us to spend time in solitude just as Jesus would do. He told us to spend 3 hours in solitude and see how the Lord speaks to you. Try it! It's amazing.

If you want to talk about solitude...let's talk about my dad. He has been disabled for the last 8 years and unable to work because of serious back problems and a tractor accident. He spends countless hours a day reading his Bible while he is at home alone all day. The Lord has humbled him so much and given him incredible peace. A man's nature is to take care of and provide for the family. My dad cannot physically do that but he brings the spiritual side of things to the family like I have never seen before. I look up to my dad for having so much patience especially with God. He doesn't question Him. I cannot even imagine being in excruciating pain 24/7 for 8 years and still have patience with God. We know God's timing is perfect and he is the ultimate healer. November 18th (next week...while I am at the Love Affair Workshop) my dad has surgery to have an internal morphine pump implanted into his back which will directly dispense the medicine to the spot where he has pain. This is the last resort for pain relief. I ask that you keep my dad in your prayers this next week and that the surgery goes well and maybe...just maybe...my dad will no longer be in pain. Hopefully this surgery will be an answer to prayer and my dad will be a new person.

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." [James 1:2-4]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my heart sings with joy to see how my little princess has become more beautiful inside that she is on the out...keep your treasures where they will eternally last :)