Sunday, November 2, 2008

If I Somehow Could Come Up With...

$1500...I would book a plane ticket RIGHT NOW to go to The Call in Africa in December. I would do anything to go to a country far away and witness God working in thousands of peoples lives. My mom and brothers went yesterday to the one here in San Diego (I had to work) and they could not stop talking about how amazing it was and how much God is working to move this state and nation. He has called each and everyone of us to pray and that is what our country needs most right now. My mom was telling me the things they talked about yesterday and it was crazy to hear how God works in peoples lives and puts this whole puzzle together. If you get a chance, sit down and talk with my mom. She would LOVE to tell you about everything. I was blown away. I sometimes forget how amazing and powerful God really is. It is so incomprehensible for any human to understand his greatness. I encourage you to spend at least a few minutes each day with the Lord, praising him, thanking him, and asking for wisdom and guidance. He will open your eyes and your heart to things you never could have imagined.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. [1 Thessalonians 5:16-18]

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